Vintage Bin: April 2007

Vintage Bin

That's me =) --->

Life is full of firsts.

Sunday, April 15, 2007
I must say that my first 2 weeks in safti ocs camp were pretty eventful. I will remember the bonding and friendships forged during the Common Leadership module; you guys @ Tango are the best. Hope you guys are having fun now =)

Anyway, I got posted to ocs Air Wing. Hopefully I'll be out as an Airforce officer (ADA o.0 ). Life in Air wing is .. ... well no comment as yet since I'm only a week into Air Wing. Air Wing is quite relaxed but somehow I miss Tango now, as much as I missed pegasus.

Did my cadet duty, spend my first saturday duty in that room, did my first flag raising and lowering ceremony. And the list goes on.

To Lead, To Excel, To Overcome. =)