Seeing others dressed up in their sch U and geared with their 'scholarly equipments', I felt nostalgic again. I've decided to blog less, write more recently, which explains my lagging first post of 2007 (not as lag as my Singnet connection now though, @$#(*^%(*^ it is still laggy. life's always unfair.)
I've grown to be more inclined towards personal reflections rather than public posts which are easily accessible by 98343262384694582^(tan pi/2) people.
Anyway I was reading an section on healthcare in ST today. It was sth about pessimists dying earlier than optimists and all the suggestions for pessimists to stay healthy live longer. I was thinking for those pure die-hard pessimists out there who only see the negative side of life, actually living a shorter life may not be a bad thing. After all, who said that high life expectancy means more happiness? Yes indeed, happy ppl live longer but that statistic is just a mere indicator of a population's health ( Pessimists can also live longer depending on their lifestyles). Also, who said that pessimists = bad ppl? At least, you'll have a easier time borrowing money from pessimists (since they don't expect it to be returned =X ).
Yeah, so my resolution for 2007. Learn to be an optimist. it sucks to stuck somewhere in between (esp when you're closer to the pessimists' side. that was where I was standing in 2006; for those who have endured my nonsense, my apologies).
Once again, I can't help ending my first 2007 post with a ... Nil Sine Labore. The words which have served me so well for the past 6 yrs (and I hope to keep it that way).