Vintage Bin: What a lacklustre Saturday.

Vintage Bin

That's me =) --->

What a lacklustre Saturday.

Today must have been one of the lousiest days for 2005.

Training was satisfactory because my 4.8km (ok 4.5km) was below 20min woohooo!~ But Heaven love to make sport of me. Just as he (no sexism attempt here =O) let me clocked a good 4.5km timing, he also plant some physical bombs in me. I mean injuries. The rusty pull bar near the VJ canteen was super slimy (dunno who used them before me. Must be one of the kayakers.) and it was super wet (a mixture of rainwater and sweat i guess). Just as I was about to complete the last set, my grip suddenly gave way and my butt landed on the dirty/wet/grayish/concrete shortly.

To worsen things, my loyal track shoes also kena. Some construction workers had just filled up a big hole in the ground with cement and I didnt know that, thanks to the wind for summoning a plastic sheet to cover that pile of cement. And when I was about to land my aching foot on that area, sly Mr. Wind blew away the plastic sheet and I wasn't quick enough to react to his (Mr. Wind's) trick. Oh and who's so unlucky to meet up with 2 bus malfunctions in a day? wtf to the power of 99.

V-Soy is getting tastier and tastier the more I drink it! Thanks dieu for lending me your soccer boots to tread my way home and thanks God (or should I?) for not letting my loyal track shoes get hardened with cement.

On the whole home, I heard some ITE ppl playing and singing along some gang songs haha damn entertaining =S. something similar to the Gangster flash thingy.

Looking forward to meet Mr Potter later. Meanwhile, it's time to get my daily dose of JJ and probably to top it off with a tinge of Natalie Imbruglia and Jay.

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Berthold Auerbach
And I seriously need to wash away today's dust.

Oh and i feel like scraping that C-box off this page. Cos it's not very presentable for the page's colour scheme.
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